CMS native
to event streaming

WebSight is a containerized Content Management System with a native integration to StreamX digital experience service mesh.

It offers consistent app performance, easy scaling, improved security, and fast updates along with enterprise-level development and authoring experience.

A graph showing synchronised communication across all data sources you own

Next-gen development

Icon representing readiness for any data source

No legacy issues

Combining what’s best about proven, battle-tested solutions with zero-legacy development experience.

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Icon representing solution flexibility

Kubernetes deployment

Built with focus on clear architecture and scalability to support distributed Kubernetes deployments.

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Icon representing scalability

Native to StreamX

The only CMS working natively with the event-driven architecture of StreamX.

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Designed for the entire team

Author experience in WebSight CMS

Keep working with:

  • WYSIWYG editor

  • Organized page hierarchy

  • Pre-defined component layouts and libraries

  • Advanced asset management

  • Version control

While getting to play with:

  • Side panel for easy component adjustments

  • Inline editing for text components

  • Real-time preview

Developer experience in WebSight CMS

Keep working with:

  • Maven archetype for project setup

  • Local development with Java, Maven, Sling, HTL, and OSGi

  • Concepts of Pages, Assets, Components, Dialogs, and Templates

  • Tools like Apache Felix Web Console, Resource Browser, Groovy Console, and User Management

While getting to play with:

  • CMS built into a Docker image for consistent versions, quick deployments, and easy rollbacks

  • container orchestration services like any Kubernetes cluster, Docker Swarm, or Amazon ECS

  • unified Author and Publish environment

Start building now